San Antonio Birth Photographer & Videography: a Bulverde Birth Story

Since this second time mom didn’t make it to her due date with her first, her birth team was anticipating the same for this pregnancy. But then, to her dismay, her due date came and went. Her birth team knew that when we got the call she was in labor, things would probably go quick. At 40 weeks and 4 days, I got the call around 3pm that contractions were finally starting! I got there around 5pm at the same time as her midwife, and contractions were every 3-5 minutes. My client was laughing and hanging out…you’d never know she was in active labor. The entire birth team was hanging out, chatting, and watching Lord of the Rings. My client would stop what she was talking about every time a contraction came and then get back to the conversation when it was over. At 7pm, a cervical check showed she was 8cm. At 8:30pm, there was an obvious shift in the intensity of contractions, so the midwives and I knew that she was getting close. She got in the bath for a little bit and then decided to get out to push on the bed. After pushing for about 8 minutes, baby boy was born at 9:05pm.

This was one of those home births where it just felt like a girl’s night hangout (that ended with a baby being born). It’s always amazing to see how the right birth team and birth space can make all the difference for a birth experience.


San Antonio Birth Photography: a PPROM Induction


San Antonio Birth Photographer: Home Birth Turned Hospital Induction