Birth Photography FAQ

  • My birth photography availability is limited, so consider booking early to secure our EDD on my calendar.

  • Many women like to give birth in a dark environment. My camera is equipped to handle low light situations. That being said, I do need SOME light to capture those incredible moments. If I feel like there isn’t enough light in your birth space, I may make some small adjustments. If these bother you, please let me know.

    During birth, I will often bounce my flash off the ceiling so I can capture the quick and fleeting moments of birth. My external flash is very different from the flashes that most people are accustomed to. The flash will never be directed near or towards your face and most of my clients aren’t even aware that I’m using it.

  • Wear whatever is comfortable for you! Many of my clients will wear a sports bra during labor and birth because they want to be able to share some of the images publicly. Solid-color sports bras are a great choice. If you feel the urge to take off your bra during birth, don’t worry. I’m often able to get creative with angles and still capture moments that you can share with family or friends.

    Many clients will bring meaningful items or jewelry. These will not only provide amazing stories for you to tell your children in the years to come, but they can make your photographs really pop. If you are giving birth in the water, consider bringing a towel with special significance. If you are giving birth in the hospital, consider bringing your own swaddling blankets or baby hats.

    Your partner should also wear comfortable clothing. Solid colors are often preferable as loud patterns or logos can distract the eye from the beautiful moments that are unfolding in your family. Some of my favorite choices are solid color t-shirts. Comfortable but also great to photograph.

  • All of my birth packages include several sneak-peek images that I process and edit within 24 hours of birth. These images are specifically sized for the web so that you can easily and beautifully announce the birth of your baby on social media.

    The rest of your images will be edited within 2-4 weeks. You’ll receive a link to your private and custom gallery where you’ll be able to view all your images and purchase prints.

  • Unless you’ve given me full copyright usage of your photos (such as for a model call or for a discount), I will only share images that you are comfortable with. I always appreciate when clients give me permission to share photos from their birth because sharing those images helps change the narrative of what birth is and can look like. I’m always happy to tag or not tag, use or avoid photos with your child’s face in it, etc.

  • Birth photography is photo-journalism , so I can’t guarantee getting certain shots, especially if they simply don’t happen. For example, wanting an older sibling in some photos is something I can try to do, but if the older sibling is timid and wary in the birth space, then I may not get that. Another example may be if the birth space is super small or crowded, the position or angle I’m at may prevent me from getting specific reactions or faces. But I’ll always keep the things you want in mind and do my best to capture them!

  • I’ve mentioned lighting and using a flash about, and the other semi-noticeable thing would be the shutter sound. I’ve never had someone complain about the sound, especially since I am to be intetiona with my shots. Usually music is playing and the family is so “in the zone” that clients report never even noticing it

  • A birth announcement video is a ~60 second highlight film of the details of your birth, typically more focused on the immediate postpartum and newborn details. It's delivered within 24 hours of birth. A birth film is a 3-5 minute video that more comprehensively tells your birth story: small details, active labor, birth of your baby, newborn details and exams, and immediate postpartum.